My Chemical Romance Quotes
"Don't ever let the media tell you what your body is supposed to look like, you're beautiful just the way you are".
"You should never want to hurt yourself. You should love yourself".
"If you're mad, don't throw a punch, don't start a fire about it, don't shout about it. sing, that's the most powerful weapon you have".
"When i was a kid, i realized that everyone dies. i realized that one day i wouldn't have my parents, i wouldn't have anybody else, i would probably end up alone, and then i'd die. this happened when i was about eight, and i freaked out about it for a good three years, not until i became a teenager, i didn't even start to accept it. i never really felt death was that close, until my grandma passed away. but in the end i guess i started to see some beauty and release in death and i think that made it even more so, to become death - obsessed".
"Real revenge is making something of yourself".
"Sometimes you kinda have to die inside, in order to rise from your own ashes and believe in yourself and love yourself to become a new person".
"Be whoever you are extremely loud and be completely fearless when you do it".
"Right before i go on stage, im always thinking about my life, and the choices i made, and everything, and my friends, and the people i love".
"If you came to my chemical romance show, you're probably a little fucked up. Thats ok. Were just as Fucked up as you".
"Hey girls, you're beautiful, don't look at those stupid magazines, and stick like models. Eat healthy and exercise. That's all. Don't let anyone tell you you're not good enough. you are good enough, you are too good. LOVE your family with all your heart, and listen to it. you are gorgeous whether you are a size 3 or a size 14. it doesn't matter what you look like on the outside, as long as you're a good person. as long as you respect others. i know its been told a hundred times before, but its true, hey girls you are beautiful".
"We are here as a reminder, that the world is not a better world without you".
"If you are true to yourself, You can never go wrong".
"If you don't listen you are never going to learn".
"I would play in this bang for a hundred years".
"Make this world a better place".
"I live every day, i die everyday, when i see you it hurts, and i no longer want to survive, i don't want to do this anymore, i'll love you forever, but you'll never love me".
"Not a day goes by that we don't know how lucky we are".
"I like making music with you".
"You cannot, and im being serious, you CANNOT be ashamed of who you are, no matter how much shit you get for it, or how much bullying you get, you can't change who you are for anybody else, and i know it takes a lot, but it makes you a stronger person, and you'll be so happy that you didnt later on in life".
"I miss you, i like making music with you, and im spite of all the other shit that comes with it, good and bad, i still wanna do that".
"Don't do anythink to try fit in, don't be afraid to try the most insane thing".
"Kids don't get to sat, 'are we there yet' a billion times anymore, its at the bottom of the GPS. fun = GONE".
"I'm not anorexic, bulimic, or any other 'ic' you can think of".
"Please be quiet for once. for the love of the unicorns. PLEASE".
"There's less violence in the world, when people are using hula-hoops".
"Every Time Mikey way smiles, a unicorn is born".
"My best high school memory is when i graduated,and i didn't have to go back. i didn't have a good time in school".
"The teachers thought there were something wrong with me because i wouldnt talk to the other kids. I was almost playing mind games with them".
"I was the spiritual advisor of the band".
"I bought this heater into the shower, so it was warm when i got out, it's not the smartest thing in the world to do, but i was like 'whatever' i was fucking freezing".
"I get these urges to fuck off sometimes".
"Call me steve (after being called tom on an australian radio interview)".
"I really just didn't want to go back into the hospital, i got caught trying to sneak out of the emergency room".
(This is iot for bob there isn't really a lot of them sorry gahs :C).
"I've been left at truck stops before, and i've had to call them on my cell phone, you know,
its like 'hey what's up'
'and they're like hey, hows it going man'
and i'm like 'hey have you forgotten something from the van?'
and they're like oh shit' and they come back for me".
"I wasn't popular at school, thank god i didn't have a girlfriend, or i would suck at guitar now".
"Just put your heart into it".
"There creative, they care about people, they care about each other, our fanbase is like this growing community".
"We are still the same group of guys we were 5 years ago".
"If the music helps you get through things, live your life the best you can, and be a good person, then this is what this is all about...".
"Just because you're doing well, they treat you the same and i love that".
"You still get shit, i love that too".
"I want to get shit from my girlfriend and get yelled at by my mom".
"Those quiet moments of reflection, when you think man' we've done it. We're living the the dream".
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